Monday 7 February 2011


Trailers (Kicks)

The first trailer that we looked at was Kcks. This is a low budget British film. the reason that we looked at this becuase the main protagonist in Kicks has a Similar character to the main protagonist in "The Boy Is Mine" . We used similar shots to which are used in this trailer, some of these are when she is following Lee in Kicks, and Stacey would be following Ryan in The Boy Is Mine. We also used the shots in which there are words explaining the feelings of The Protagonist. For Example Obsession and Anger.

Trailers (London To Brighton)

The second trailer that we looked at was London To Brighton. This is because this was also a Low budget British film. We looked at the way in which the Trailer was in London To Brighton and took ideas from there. In the trailer it has dialogue as well as diagetic and non diagetic sound. In The Boy Is Mine we will also use a soundtrack which will be playing all the way through but at point when we have dialogue the volume will be lower. We have also used a similar soundtrack as to what was being used in this trailer.

 Trailers (Obsessed)

The third trailer we analysed was Obsessed. A successful asset manager, who has just received a huge promotion, is blissfully happy in his career and in his marriage. But when a temp worker starts stalking him, all the things he's worked so hard for are placed in jeopardy.

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